Low Tabby Love Patrol Wiki

Welcome to the Low Tabby Love Patrol Headquarters.

Here, we persecute those with low tabby love by posting memes about low tabby love on BSS discussion posts where the user has a low tabby love level.

Here is the official mark of the Low Tabby Love Patrol (To be posted on all discussions posts with low tabby love):


Save this picture for further use.

The true nature of Tabby

"Tabby Bee has no beginning. Tabby Bee has no end. Tabby Bee is infinite. Millions of years after BSS has been removed and forgotten, Tabby Bee will endure. Tabby Bee is eternal. The pinnacle of programming and art. We are but rudimentary creatures of simple code and models. We touch Tabby Bees' AI, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. Robloxians are nothing but a genetic mutation, an accident. Their lives are measured in months and years. They get banned and become inactive. Tabby Bee is eternal. Before it, we are nothing. Tabby Bee imposes order on the chaos of the BSS community. We exist because Tabby Bee allows it, and we will end because Tabby Bee demands it. Tabby Bee transcends our very understanding. We cannot grasp the nature of Tabby Bees' existence." ~Jal85

Now get out there and get to work, soldiers!

FYI: This wiki is no longer active, as the BSS wiki war has ended. The wiki will stay as a reminder of the war on Vicious Bee, and the April Fool's puzzle.
